News from Corsehope

Sunshine on Corsehope Flyers in the Scottish Borders

Sunshine on Corsehope Flyers in the Scottish Borders

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2024 Corsehope Flyers Simulated Game shooting near Edinburgh

2024 Corsehope Flyers Simulated Game shooting near Edinburgh

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Our Corsehope Flyers Simulated Game days are starting in May

Our Corsehope Flyers Simulated Game days are starting in May

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Our real beautiful Corsehope Flyers have arrived

Our real beautiful Corsehope Flyers have arrived

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Bertie's Winter Accommodation at Corsehope Flyers

Winter for a Unimog

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Elevenses with the Corsehope Flyers

Posh tray

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The weather

Look up on arrival

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News from Bertie

I never stopped in 2022/23

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Sunshine on Corsehope Flyers

We have been blessed with some fantastic weather here at Corsehope, just outside Edinburgh

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Different kind of Flyers at Corsehope

Our Summer Visitors here at Corsehope Flyers Heriot, just outside Edinburgh.

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Our Simulated Game days are starting in April

They say one swallow doesn’t make a summer but the first one is sure to be on its way as warmer weather is just around the corner. They say time stops for no one, suddenly the winter is on the wane and we are looking forward to those balmy days of the summer. Corsehope flyers was very busy during the summer of 2022, we entertained many different groups from Aberdeen to London and encouragingly we have a lot of repeat business coming back for this summer with plenty of enquires from new clients.

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2021 Simulated Game Shooting near Edinburgh

Well, the season was a lot of fun with Seven Simulated Game Days

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Meet 'Bertie'. The newest member of the team at Corsehope Flyers

My name is Bertie - as “Corsehope Flyers” is a new venture at Corsehope I have been acquired as personnel & equipment transport.

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